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Strengthening Our Grip for

His Glory…..


"Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee?" (Psalm 85:6)

    ….Where does a revival begin?

…John Rosebury, "A revival that begins in the character of God will be as a river ever increasing and widening until lost in the sea of God's great eternity."

 Isn't that the kind of revival we want, one that grows and grows and grows?


In Psalm 85:6 the Psalmist prayed for a revival wrapped up in the character of God "that we may rejoice in thee." Revival begins in the character of God. Revival is rejoicing in God. Knowing God and His character must become our amazement, enjoyment, and rejoicing.


In Psalm 2:11 we read, "Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling,"

…. Because …serving the Lord with fear represents a high and lofty view of God. Those who fear God are going to rejoice. They will have joy because they have that lofty view of God. The fear of God underlies and undergirds the spirit of rejoicing. What a truth!


Proverbs 28:14 states, "Happy [joyful] is the man that feareth alway."




Weekly Message..              If you would like a copy of this message in its entirety... feel free to contact us....




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