Guide others on the path of God
Run your own congregation
Perform weddings, baptisms, and other
Includes letter of good standing
The Evangelical Christian Alliance desires to affirm our ministers! One of the ways that we can do that is by helping you identify and clarify your calling!
What is your ministry calling—youth, music, church planting, pastoring, etc.?
It is important to us to help you navigate through the exploration of your calling.
I encourage all in qualifying ministry to be credentialed. I encourage those members and leaders of local ECA churches to require their pastors and pastoral leaders (vocationally) to be credentialed in the ECA.
If you have any other questions as you pursue this, besides what the most common, please let me know.
Q: What are the requirements to becoming a Christian minister?
A: To be accepted as a Christian minister you must meet the
following three requirements:
You must believe in God as the one true God.
You must accept Jesus Christ as our true and holy savior.
You must pray for the forgiveness of your past sins.
Q: Do I need to earn a university degree in theology to become
A: No. There is a difference between a degree in theology and
becoming ordained as a minister. A theology degree is an academic certification, generally requiring anywhere from 2 to 10 years of university study to obtain. Academically, a degree in theology is considered the same as a degree in philosophy and is generally required if you wanted to teach religion at a university level.
Ordination simply requires a demonstration of your commitment to the church and is provided as an acknowledgment of the church's recognition of your commitment. Ordination is widely accepted to perform all religious ceremonies, including weddings.
Q: Will I be authorized to perform weddings in my state?
A: Your minister ordination certificate fulfills the spiritual
requirement to perform all religious ceremonies, including weddings. In most states, no further action will be necessary on your part once you have received your certificate. In a few states, newly ordained ministers must also register with their county clerk, submit a copy of their ordination certificate, and pay an additional fee (this fee varies, but it's usually small).
Your rights to religious freedom are guaranteed by the US Constitution. The manner in which you express your faith cannot be discriminated against, nor can an online ordination be treated any differently than an ordination performed in a chapel, cathedral, or any other venue.
Q: I have lived a life of sin. Am I still eligible to become a minister?
A: Yes. We are all sinners and God knows that. However, before
becoming a minister, you must pray for forgiveness of all your past sins.
Q: Can I start my own church once I become an ordained minister
from the Christian National Church?
A: Yes, there is nothing that would please God more. When a new
disciple creates a house of God to worship and pray, God leads the way.
Q: About my Credentials are they national recognized.
A: Yes, in an any ECA affiliated church. We have a national
credential for those called to and engaged in pastoral (vocational) ministry. Being congregational (local church autonomy), credentialing begins in the context of a local church, which means that the process of credentialing cannot be done apart from a call to a qualifying local church ministry. In the ECA, once a person is in a qualifying ministry, then they reflect their interdependence by encouraging those in pastoral (vocational) ministry to be credentialed in the ECA.
Q: What are the benefits to credentialing with the ECA
A: The candidate will be affirmed beyond the local church regarding
a calling to and gifting for ministry. Through this process, the candidate will have structure to guide the study and processing of biblical/theological truths and the pastoral applications of those truths in the lives of God’s people. It will also provide accountability, both doctrinally and morally.
MINISTERIAL CREDENTIALS - Our credentials officially recognize a preacher’s God-given ministry. These credentials are given that our ministers have equal rights by law and in business of ministers of other religious organizations. We require that our ministers have a proven ministry. We also issue fellowship cards for Christian Workers.
Q: What are the benefits to a local Church?
A: The local church leaders and membership will be assured that
their pastoral staff is aligned with the ECA, and is committed to serve within the ECA. As members in a local church are under authority (of Christ and the leaders and members), so is the pastoral staff under the same authority, and also the ECA. The pastoral staff is saying to the local church that we are all in the ECA.
Q: Why should the local church encourage/require their vocational ministry staff to be credentialed in the ECA?
A: Because this is a national credential, it provides consistency and
uniformity of standards and expectations for all those being credentialed. When a local church has a pastoral staff person who is credentialed in the ECA, they can be reassured of the calling, character, and biblical/theological capacity of this person. This is true of their pastoral staff that has been credentialed while in ministry with them, and it is also true of those they may call at some point in the future.
This is an important way the national ECA serves local churches. Moreover, this is a very important step to ensure doctrinal fidelity and moral purity in lives of those who serve as pastoral staff. If there is doctrinal compromise or moral failure with a non-credentialed pastoral staff person, the local church often has to address it alone. If a person is credentialed, it provides a national resource to the local church to address these matters intentionally, purposefully and redemptively.
This is also an important way in which the autonomous local church communicates their interdependency with other local non-denominational. This would be the difference between being a pastor of a non-denominational church and being an ECA pastor. Finally, this is one small step towards the fulfillment of Jesus’ high priestly prayer for believers to be one.
Q: How would this help the one who enters into the credentialing process as a means of ministerial and theological growth?
A: It provides structure for one’s study of biblical/theological truth
with the ECA Statement of Faith as the foundation. An avenue of further growth would be to teach this material to the local church as you are studying it, either in a sermon series, an adult Sunday school or in a small group.
This has the dual benefit for both the person in the credentialing process and those in the local church to learn more about the ECA and its gospel-centered, Christ-focused, God-glorifying biblical/theological commitments as expressed in the Statement of Faith. As is often the case, the teacher has the profound benefit of learning the most.
Q: What is the purpose in obtaining minister's credential's?
A: As far as the ECA is concerned, the answer may be found in the acronym A.C.T.S.
A – Affirming Ministers and their Calling
The Evangelical Christian Alliance desires to affirm our ministers! One of the ways that we can do that is by helping you identify and clarify your calling! What is your ministry calling—youth, music, church planting, pastoring, etc.? It is important to us to help you navigate through the exploration of your calling.
C – Connecting Ministers with Similar Beliefs and Values.
The Evangelical Christian Alliance desires to connect our ministers together through meaningful relationships. In our current church culture, there is a growing phenomenon known as the “casual credential holder.” The “casual credential holder” is one who desires a credential but doesn’t really desire to be a part of a church family or church organization. We believe that true realized potential can only come through mentoring and coaching.
T – Training Ministers to do the Work of the Ministry.
The Evangelical Christian Alliance desires to equip and train our ministers to do the work of the Ministry! Through our credential process, you will be afforded a balanced approach to ministry and future training, and continuing study.
S – Sending Ministers to a place of Fruitfulness.
The Evangelical Christian Alliance desires to send and commission our ministers to a place of fruitfulness! One way that we can help with this is by providing a network of available ministry opportunities.
Q: What is the process for obtaining Minister's credentials?
A: To receive minister's credentials with the Evangelical Christian Alliance, the following three-step process must be completed.